SecureCare Transport

The Number One source for Attorneys and Doctors who are looking for Reliable and Compassionate Transportation Services

SecureCare Transport specializes in providing exceptional non-emergency medical transportation services tailored to meet the unique needs of

personal injury and workers' compensation patients. With a focus on comfort, reliability, and safety, we ensure that every ride is a seamless step in your client’s recovery journey.

SecureCare Transport works with the leader in injury care casemanagement, so to learn if we can provide transportation services for your clients please call

MedLaw Injury Care Solutions

  Jennifer Ryle at 312-933-7855


Why Choose

SecureCare Transport?

At SecureCare Transport we understand the challenges faced by individuals recovering from injuries and workplace incidents, and our team is here to make transportation one less thing to worry about. Whether it’s a ride to physical therapy, doctor’s appointments, or specialist consultations, we guarantee punctual, professional, and caring service every time.

Specialized Care: Our drivers are trained and certified to handle passengers with mobility limitations, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience.

  • Timely and Dependable: We value your time and recovery. Count on us for prompt pickups and drop-offs, always on schedule.

  • Specialized Vehicles: Our fleet offers accessibility options to meet a variety of patient needs, including wheelchair and stretcher accommodations.

  • Compassionate Service: We treat every passenger with dignity, empathy, and respect, understanding the importance of personalized care.

Whether your client is navigating recovery from a workplace injury or seeking care for a personal injury claim, SecureCare Transport is committed to helping them get where they need to go—stress-free.

Contact us today to learn how we can support your client on their path to recovery!

Our Services

Non-emergency transportation service designed to assist clients who are mobile but may face challenges traveling on their own. These services cater to clients who do not require a wheelchair or stretcher and can walk with or without assistance.

Specialized service designed to safely and comfortably transport clients who use wheelchairs and cannot travel in standard vehicles due to mobility limitations. This type of service is scheduled, non-emergency appointments only.

Specialized service for clients who cannot sit upright for extended periods or require transport while lying flat on a stretcher. This service is intended for non-emergency transportation only and provides a safe and comfortable way for clients to travel to medical appointments.

Schedule a pickup

To schedule transportation for your client today contact Jennifer Wiley at Jen@medlawinjurycaresolutions or call-312-933-7855 and we’ll take them from here!